Hiroshima, Sinister History Read online

Page 3

  ~ Three ~

  The city was bustling loudly as Hiro led Soul down the sidewalk. The traffic in the street was noisy and the people passing Soul and Hiro shoved their way through with their heads down or cell phones to their ears. The first store they came to was filled with trendy clothing. All the clothing and the people inside the store momentarily overwhelmed Soul. Hiro looked around casually, before leading Soul across the store to where there were female manikins. She stood beside Hiro who went through the racks of clothing. He pulled out a few items, handing them to Soul who looked at them blankly.

  “These look expensive,” she said, suddenly scared that she was taking too much of his money.

  “Try them on,” said Hiro, motioning towards the changing rooms at the back. “And come out to show me what fits.”

  Soul nodded nervously and went to the changing room. When she was gone Hiro picked out more jeans and shirts for Soul to try. He looked over his shoulder as the door opened and Soul stepped out. She was wearing a t-shirt and plain jeans. She turned and held out her arms, looking uneasily at Hiro. Her messy blond braid threw off the look a little, but the outfit flattered her and made her look eighteen. Hiro examined her, but then nodded once. “Looks good,” he said, approaching her and handing her the other clothes. “Do they fit alright?”

  “Yes, but I feel like this is all a little too much,” she said bashfully. It was not only awkward trying on clothes with Hiro appraising them, but talking to Hiro who hadn’t bothered to close his jacket made everything that much worse.

  “It’s something you need,” Hiro said, his eyes examining Soul’s hair. “After this we’ll stop at the salon too.”

  “Why?” Soul looked at her braid. It was still frizzy.

  “Obvious reasons, Soul,” said Hiro, patting Soul’s head and turning away.

  Soul stared after him, but then turned and went back into the changing rooms to try the new clothing Hiro had handed her. Off to the side of the dressing rooms there were some chairs placed for waiting customers. Hiro took a seat and waited for Soul.

  While he waited, Hiro sat back, his arms crossed and his head cocked to one side. His golden eyes scanned the store. He examined every person that came and went. Every teenager, adult and child wandered beneath his gaze for at least a moment. Suddenly his eyes caught sight of someone who stood off to the side of the store. The man wore black with a hooded jacket. Hiro watched the man suspiciously, but he tried not to over react. Even though Enimito always wore a hood that didn’t mean the man he now saw was him. Hiro tried to relax, but knowing his enemies were catching up to him put him on guard.

  Three more times, Soul stepped out and turned in place for Hiro to see the clothing. Soon it was official that nothing looked bad on her. Hiro ended up buying two bags worth of clothing for her before they finally left. He let her carry the bags as they left the store and headed down the road. Soul had changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but she still wore the long jacket Hiro had lent her. She walked close to Hiro, feeling bad for having made him spend so much money. Her guilty conscience got even heavier as they came to the salon.

  Soul looked through books with pictures of hairstyles and examined them as she sat beside Hiro. They were waiting for Soul’s name to be called when it was her turn. Soul was secretly panicking about getting her hair cut. She wasn’t sure what she wanted. While she fretted over photos in books, Hiro was gazing out the window, waiting patiently.

  The salon was nice with bright colored walls and talkative people. It smelled of hair products. It wasn’t too bad. There was light conversation in the air and the sound of hair driers from time to time that muffled the radio music. It might have almost felt peaceful, were Soul not frantic.

  “How about this?” She would ask, showing Hiro a picture. Hiro would look at the picture, examining the hairdo thoroughly.

  “Maybe,” he would reply each time, glancing at Soul as if to picture her hair in the style.

  Soul frowned and continued to look through the book. After a while she stopped asking him and Hiro was free to gaze outside undisturbed. He had an uneasy feeling coming over him. If Enimito showed up while they were out then it could endanger not only his life, but also the whole city. The last time they met in the parking garage had been a small piece of what he was capable of.

  “Soul?” The lady at the counter called the name with a bright smile. Hiro looked around at Soul who stared at the lady as if she had sentenced her to death. Hiro took the book from Soul, flipped through the pages, and then handed it back. “That,” he said, pointing at a picture as Soul took it.

  “Are you sure?” Soul whispered.

  “Trust me,” replied Hiro, sitting back with his legs crossed. “Enjoy the pampering while you’re here and don’t worry. You’ll look great.”

  Soul didn’t argue as she went to the counter. The woman showed her to the back where there were chairs and mirrors. Hiro watched as she took a seat, but then he returned his attention out the window behind him. The crowds were suspiciously thick that day. He hadn’t thought about it before, but something in the air was menacing.

  Time moved slowly by as Soul got her haircut. She didn’t talk very much, but Hiro tried to listen to any conversation she had with the barber. Hair stylists were notorious for getting information out of people, but Soul didn’t say anything deep or secretive. Hiro could have expected that. She might have been immature, but she knew how to keep her mouth shut.

  When Soul’s hair was done Hiro got up to pay. He was relieved for no feelings when he saw how nice she looked. Her golden hair looked soft and beautiful as it was layered and styled with ringlet curls along the base. It reached just past her shoulders and had bangs angled to the side. Had Hiro possessed feelings he would have been speechless at the sight of her.

  “Thanks for picking the style, Hiro,” said Soul as they left the shop.

  Hiro merely nodded once. “Stay close now,” he said. “You’re beginning to look your age so I don’t want to risk someone kidnapping you.”

  Soul glanced at Hiro’s face. “Why are you doing all of this for me?” She asked.

  Hiro sighed. “You said you’ve been waiting for something,” he explained. “I got the feeling you hadn’t had a chance to take better care of yourself. Your long hair looked fine, but it wasn’t cared for. I’m just letting you have some fresh air and a chance to relax and think about yourself.” He felt Soul staring at him. “And it’s rather nice to have someone to talk to again,” explained Hiro, clearing his throat.

  Soul hung her head. “I wish you could feel something besides pain and fear,” she muttered. “What do you feel when you aren’t in pain or scared?”

  “Nothing,” replied Hiro, not wanting to confess he would feel lonely. “I feel nothing.”

  “Sounds boring.”

  “I’m used to it.”

  Soul held tight to the bags of clothing. She didn’t pay much attention as Hiro led them to an appliance store where he bought a small black fridge. He carried it over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing. While they made their way back towards the neighborhood they didn’t speak much. It was an uneventful walk and when they returned to Hiro’s house Soul opened the door for him.

  “Take the price tags off your new clothes and fold them,” said Hiro, watching Soul as she went to the bed with her bags of clothes. Hiro kicked the door shut and set down the box, turning on the lights. “You can keep them beside the mattress.”

  Soul nodded began going through the bags. As she tore off tags and stickers and folded the clothes, Hiro took out the fridge and plugged it in. He opened it, placing his hand inside and felt the air inside beginning to grow cold. He nodded to himself and shut the door.

  For a moment he knelt there, watching the fridge, but then he passed a hand over his face.

  “We didn’t get bed supplies,” he murmured.

  “Oh.” Soul stared over her shoulder at Hiro who got to his feet. “You aren’t going to go back to the city
, are you?” She asked nervously. They had been gone most of the day and the sky had been growing dark when they got home.

  “I would like to have blankets and a pillow of my own tonight,” replied Hiro as he looked at Soul. Her new clothes were lying beside the mattress nicely folded. “No one really knows how uncomfortable it is sleeping with a body made of metal.”

  Soul gave a start. “I’m sorry,” she said as she jumped to her feet. “I can sleep on the floor! I didn’t mean to take your bed!”

  Hiro placed a finger to his lips, his expression a little irritated. “I’m letting you sleep on the bed,” he said as he went to the door. “It’s no trouble. I’ll later get a second bed for you and then you can give me back the mattress. For now you should go to sleep. I’ll be back soon.” He turned to the door, but stopped when he heard Soul run up behind him. He glanced back at her just as she slammed into him, hugging him tight.

  “Please don’t go out tonight,” she said into his shoulder with a muffled voice. “I don’t want you to go out!”

  “Soul, it’s no trouble,” said Hiro, looking down at her. He felt a little confused by her hug.

  “I’ll sleep on the floor and you can have your bed,” said Soul into his back. It sounded like she was crying. “Please don’t go back out there! I have a bad feeling about it.”

  Hiro flinched at her words. “Calm down,” he said, turning and pulling out of her hug. He felt bad that her hug had been wasted on him. Had he been able to feel gladness or joy it might have stopped him, but he was unaffected. “I’ll be okay,” he said, looking down at Soul who was crying. “Get sleep,” Hiro said, poking Soul’s forehead and then moving her away from the door. “I’ll be back soon.” At that he left the house, shutting the door behind him.

  Soul stared at the door, her hands wrung together fearfully. She had a bad feeling. There was no way she would get sleep that night. Not until Hiro returned…